Thursday, April 18, 2013

Packing away

        Finally I have been able to sit and write on the blog. I have been so busy these past couple of days getting ready to go back to school in Idaho! I really do not like packing because I hate how long it takes and I ALWAYS forget SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!! There is always the question when you first pull out that suitcase, where do I even start? I hate this question! haha It is the worst, because I really don't know what to pack first, so I end up just shuving a bunch of things in a suitcase and then realize later I still have lots more things to pack, but there is no more room! I could say I am the worst packer ever, but I dont have to becasue I found some tips by Martha Stewart that saved me. I still dont like to pack though, never did and I dont think I ever will! haha. But at least I have found ways to make it a bit easier! Here is what I found!
           While taking a break, I sat down and grabbed my computer. Up came my cute nephew who had to join me. We took some pictures, and he loved it. Then came his twin brother, and we had too much fun!

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